Blog - Page 12 | NB Medical

Blog - Page 12


Semaglutide for obesity – how does it work, what’s the evidence and can my patient have it?

Semaglutide for obesity – how does it work, what’s the evidence and can my patient have it? image
Dr Stephanie De Giorgio
2nd March 2023

If you have been reading or watching any media recently, you will almost certainly have seen discussion around the new “celeb weight loss drug” or “life changing medication for obesity”, depending upon...

Kindness in our surgeries: our key safeguarding tool

Kindness in our surgeries: our key safeguarding tool image
Dr James Booth
23rd February 2023

When I train GP and practice nurses about child safeguarding, I like to finish with a true story.  This story is about my father, who remains the best GP I have ever worked with, and someone who knew more,...

Hot Topics GP Update Spring 2023 Course Preview

Hot Topics GP Update Spring 2023 Course Preview image
Dr Simon Curtis
16th February 2023

Hot Topics GP Update Spring Preview 2023

Sleep App Near?

Sleep App Near? image
Dr Andy Ward
9th February 2023

“NHS begins treating sleep apnoea with pioneering chest implant” - the headline caught my attention as I perused the Guardian website whilst eating my porridge. A techy solution for a common problem, now...

The rise of ‘Vitamin K’ (AKA Ketamine) misuse: what GPs need to know about going down the ‘K-hole’

The rise of ‘Vitamin K’ (AKA Ketamine) misuse: what GPs need to know about going down the ‘K-hole’ image
Dr Rob Walker
2nd February 2023

When I think about vitamin K my immediate reaction is ‘important micronutrient and crucial for reversing warfarin’. But this blog is about a very different type of vitamin K, namely ‘Vitamin K’ AKA Ketamine. ...

Pregabalin in pregnancy and congenital malformation risks

Pregabalin in pregnancy and congenital malformation risks image
Dr Rob Walker
26th January 2023

As we (hopefully) start to see reductions in the deluge of winter illness, I’m sure Practices will be desperately trying to get back to some of the crucial work we do for managing long term conditions,...

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