Clinics | NB Medical
Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 12th November 2024
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Live Webinar Free

Gambling addiction is a devastating illness that destroys people’s lives, contributing to around 500 suicides each year. In this NB Clinic, we will explore the latest NICE guidelines on gambling-related harms, discuss how to recognise gambling harm in our patients, and consider the best approaches for supporting those affected. Mark Pickering will share his personal experience of gambling harm and recovery, along with insights into the work he and Epic Restart do to rebuild the lives of those affected.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 15th October 2024
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Come and join NB Medical with CRUK as we dive into the latest research on gynaecological cancers. With guest speaker Louise Hanna, based in Velindre, Wales, we will discuss the risk factors, prevention to the latest evidence surrounding recognition and referral. This is an hour of free CPD that promises to enhance your diagnosis and management of suspected gynaecological cancer.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 17th September 2024
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join us for a FREE webinar on Lower GI Disease. Identifying the cause of bowel symptoms can be challenging even for seasoned clinicians. In this NB Clinic, we explore a new Lower GI Diagnostic Pathway for general practice, produced by primary and secondary healthcare professionals in conjunction with organisations including the British Society of Gastroenterology, Crohn’s & Colitis UK, Coeliac UK and more, which makes these clinical dilemmas easier to manage. 

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 11th June 2024
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join us on June 11th for a FREE interactive webinar on Lifestyle Medicine. We shall discuss what we mean by Lifestyle Medicine and the ‘6 pillars’ of change, the evidence base that underpins it, how we can best help and support patients to adopt lifestyle change and most importantly how can it be practically and effectively delivered within NHS primary care?

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 6th February 2024
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join us for a free one-hour NB Medical webinar, brought to you in collaboration with the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS). In the webinar, we will be focusing on the diagnosis and management of heart failure in primary care. We will cover the role of NT-pro-BNP testing, a reminder of the categorisation of heart failure and the latest on treatment, based on heart failure categorisation by the left ventricular ejection fraction.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 16th January 2024
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join us for our next NB Cancer Clinic, brought to you in collaboration with Cancer Research UK. We are discussing all things related to bowel cancer - the latest statistics on incidence and risk factors, the indications for doing a FIT test, referral pathways for those with suspected bowel cancer and supporting the bowel cancer screening programme.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 5th December 2023
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

In this webinar, we will explore how to identify children and families at risk, how to safeguard them, and how the concept of Adverse Childhood Experience is something that all GPs and their teams should understand. We firmly believe that GPs can be amongst the most effective safeguarding practitioners we have; and we will share a story which demonstrates the safety and hope that we can sometimes be privileged to offer. If you are unable to join us live, the webinar will also be available on demand.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 7th November 2023
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Dermoscopy not only improves the recognition of melanoma skin cancer, but it also reduces the need for unnecessary referrals, biopsies and even excisions of benign skin lesions. This reminds us, when we look at a clinical lesion, if we’re in doubt…time to get our dermatoscope out! What the eye doesn’t see, our faithful dermatoscope sees for us!

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 10th October 2023
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Inflammatory bowel disease affects 1 in 300 but GI symptoms are only part of the condition. Extra-intestinal manifestations occur in up to half of people with IBD. They are many and varied - in some cases, it may be the first sign of IBD, others may occur in people years after diagnosis even when their GI symptoms are well controlled. What do we need to look out for in general practice and how can we help our patients if they occur?

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 19th September 2023
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK and survival has not markedly improved over the last 50 years. It is the cancer most strongly linked to deprivation and there have been some recent developments in targeted lung screening programmes in the UK. Join NB’s Kate Digby, guest speaker Georgia Black and the CRUK team for an update.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 4th July 2023
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join NB Medical & Prostate Cancer UK for a free clinic to update yourself on the latest guidelines on Prostate cancer for primary care clinicians. There is plenty to discuss...who is more at risk of Prostate cancer? Does having LUTS increase or reduce the likelihood of Prostate cancer? What are the latest guidelines? With the PCRMP imminently about to publish some new recommendations, this is a great opportunity to get updated on the latest advice so that we are well-informed to discuss PSAs with patients. Hope to see you there.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 13th June 2023
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Bladder cancer is considered the 'Cinderella' of urological cancers - despite being one of the 10 most common cancers in the UK it has seen far less investment and research compared to many rarer types of cancer. As a result, survival has not dramatically improved over the past 30 years.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 25th April 2023
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

As the cost-of-living crisis bites, the number of people living in absolute poverty is projected to rise by 3 million in 2023-24. With the effects of deprivation on health being well established, we are likely to see a negative impact on many of our patients’ health and well-being. Despite this, asking about a patient’s financial situation can seem too challenging to squeeze into already overstretched appointments.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 14th March 2023
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

This webinar will focus on the important, challenging work we do in caring for victims of domestic abuse and their families. There will be some scenario-based learning around presentations of abuse and how to manage these in the surgery.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 7th February 2023
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Health inequalities exist across the whole cancer pathway, from prevention to treatment and survival. There is evidence that eliminating inequalities would lead to better cancer outcomes - increasing screening uptake, improving early diagnosis and improving overall cancer survival.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 17th January 2023
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

With COVID-19 numbers and admissions starting to rise again, ongoing concern about the lack of vaccine response in immune-suppressed people and a bewildering array of new treatments available we are pleased to be able to provide you with a timely update, with a FREE one-hour live and interactive webinar on Management of Acute COVID-19 in the community on Tuesday, January 17th

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 6th December 2022
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join us for this 1-hour free clinic all about Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease. This is a really hot topic, especially with increasing numbers and emerging new evidence for treatments, so we will take a very primary care-orientated practical approach based on a case study. We will remind ourselves about the general management of abnormal LFTs in primary care, when and how to suspect NAFLD and how to confirm the diagnosis.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 8th November 2022
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Join NB and CRUK for the next cancer clinic - a fantastic hour on urological cancers. With guest speaker Dr Richard Roope we cover the diagnostic challenge of bladder and renal cancer. Richard will spend time unpicking the challenges around prostate cancer diagnosis and the role of the PSA test. It will be an hour well spent for anyone working as part of the Primary Care team.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 11th October 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

In this clinic, Dr Neal Tucker will be discussing some of the common clinical conundrums in IBD we see in general practice. Which is the best test to identify IBD? Can CRP be normal with active disease? Is it ok to start flare treatment in the community?

Watch this previously live session which took place on Tuesday 11th October 2022 for a FREE Hot Topics Clinic on Inflammatory Bowel Disease in conjunction with Crohn’s and Colitis UK. 

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 13th September 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Come and join NB Medical & CRUK to discuss all things related to bowel cancer. In this clinic we will cover the latest statistics on the incidence and survival of bowel cancer, it's risks and strategies for prevention. We will look at some recent and upcoming changes in the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme as well as some exciting new research around the use of symptomatic FIT testing in Primary Care. A jam-packed and super useful hour of CPD suitable for any patient-facing role in Primary Care.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 5th July 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

During this one hour webinar, we will discuss two fictional patient case studies, both living with type 2 diabetes at differing stages.

We will consider the new NICE guidelines in type 2 diabetes and bring these important updates alive as we discuss the management of these patients.  We will cover the extended role for SGLT2 inhibitors in early type 2 diabetes for use beyond glycaemic control and the role and place of the GLP1s.  This will be a very practical and interactive hour of primary care diabetes education hosted by Sarah Davies, GPwSI in Diabetes and Su Down, Consultant DSN.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 14th June 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Joint pains have increased since the pandemic with more sedentary time leading to deconditioning and posture leading to strains and pains, particularly in the shoulder. Coupled with this, waiting for physiotherapy is growing. So how can we diagnose the problem and how can we get our patients started while waiting for Physio. We will discuss all of this on June 14th, so come join us for a simple shoulder assessment.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 17th May 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

The UK has some of the worst asthma outcomes in Europe with a rise in asthma deaths over the last decade. We are also increasingly aware of the high environmental impact of some asthma inhalers. At first, it may seem that improving either of these problems would be deleterious to the other, but in this NB Clinic, we will discuss new asthma guidance from Greener Practice, endorsed by Asthma UK, the British Lung Foundation and NHS England on how we can help both issues in a simple and mutually beneficial way.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 26th April 2022
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

As the war in Ukraine continues, the UK is likely to see a large number of refugees from the conflict. In this clinic, we will look at the legal situation around entitlement to NHS healthcare and GP registration for migrants; give an overview of some of the common conditions we should be considering in patients arriving from overseas; give some tips on working with interpreters; discuss a trauma-informed approach to practice and cover the recognition and management of post-traumatic stress.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 5th April 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Last year, new guidance was released on managing Fabricated and Induced Illness in Children, which saw a shift to the new concept of treating these highly challenging and sensitive cases as “Perplexing Presentations.”  Join James Booth, Named GP for Safeguarding Adults and Children for a free 1-hour webinar to discuss this guidance, examine case studies and lead a discussion about this and other topics in the safeguarding arena.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 22nd March 2022
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

There are a lot of conditions we see and problems we face in primary care which rarely appear in the literature and these will be our focus in the Hot Topics Clinics. This FREE webinar will be a supplement and feature topics we have not presented on the main course.

In this Hot Topics clinic, Kate Digby will be presenting three topics based around Prostate Cancer to help with some of the most common presentations we see in this area within primary care.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 8th February 2022
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Dermatology forms a significant part of our general practice workload, with many of these conditions being managed exclusively in primary care. Dr Will Duffin and Dr Philippa Davies are sharing their enthusiasm and passion for dermatology by providing a FREE, one-hour, highly interactive webinar on common dermatology conditions seen in primary care.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 18th January 2022
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

In the fourth and final part of the Cancer webinar series supported by Cancer Research UK, we will discuss how health inequality is a real challenge in delivering high-quality care for all. When it comes to cancer, inequality leads to worse outcomes for our more disadvantaged patients. Join us to find out more about the 'state of the nation' and what we can do to help our less advantaged patient populations.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 14th December 2021
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

General practice has done an incredible job getting the nation vaccinated, but if you are finding your brain stretched by questions about covid vaccines that would be better directed at Chris Whitty, don't worry! NB Medical has a free 1-hour webinar to help you answer the most common questions on covid vaccinations from your patients.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 7th December 2021
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Managing diabetes in primary care is challenging and complicated. During the free 1-hour evening webinar we discuss two case studies of people living with type 2 diabetes. We cover “catching up” care following Covid-19 and multifactorial management thinking beyond glycaemic control. This webinar aims to leave you feeling enthused and upskilled around diabetes management in the primary care setting.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 9th November 2021
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

In the third of our four-part Cancer webinar series supported by Cancer Research UK we focus on diagnostic tests and safety netting, with updates on symptomatic FIT and CA125 primary care tests, focusing on the reliability and sequencing of tests and safety netting those routine referrals.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 14th September 2021
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

In the second of our four-part Cancer webinar series supported by Cancer Research UK we will focus on Cancer screening, with updates on FIT screening, Cervical screening and QOF.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 15th June 2021
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Twelve months since the start of the Covid pandemic and we will have a chance to reflect on the impact it has had on referral rates and lung cancer diagnosis. The urgent suspected lung cancer pathway was particularly affected by Covid and has been slow to recover. In this Hot Topics Clinic supported by Cancer Research UK, Kate will be joined by Dr. Stephen Bradley to discuss the latest evidence on using CXRs to aid lung cancer diagnosis and we'll also look at the latest facts and figures for the UK as we examine the state of the nation one year later.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 11th May 2021
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

Jennifer is a 45 year old teacher who has recently been diagnosed with Rosacea. What are the treatment options and what advice can we offer her?

Mark is 53 years old and has low back pain with sciatica. How should we assess? What pharmacological interventions are recommended? What is the evidence for non-pharmacological treatment options?

Liz was bitten by an insect last weekend and thinks the bite is infected. What is the evidence for using antibiotics and when should we consider them?

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 9th March 2021
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

There are a lot of conditions we see and problems we face in primary care which rarely appear in the literature and these will be our focus in the Hot Topics Clinics. This webinar will be a supplement to our main course and feature topics we have not presented on the main course.

Hot Topics Clinic

Tuesday 24th March 2020
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-Recorded Free

To help support you through these difficult times, NB Medical are delighted to offer you the opportunity to watch our latest FREE WEBINAR which will help you to refresh your telephone triage skills, safely consult remotely and explain how to safety net well.

We will cover the technicalities, the pitfalls and how to stay within safe limits when managing your patients remotely.

Understanding the Value of Medical Webinars

As healthcare professionals, it's essential to stay current with the latest medical advancements in order to provide the best care for our patients. One of the most effective ways to do this is by participating in medical webinars.

Webinars provide a platform for interactive learning where you can engage in discussions with other participants and ask questions directly to the hosts. This collaborative environment fosters a deeper understanding of complex topics and allows you to broaden your perspectives on different aspects of healthcare. They are a cost-effective way to continue your medical education without having to travel or incur additional expenses.

By joining these webinars, you have the opportunity to learn directly from experienced health professionals from various fields of medicine.

In summary, our free webinars offer numerous benefits for healthcare professionals like yourself. It allows you to stay updated with the latest advancements in medicine while enhancing your professional skills and knowledge through insights shared by industry experts.

How to Choose the Right Webinar

Selecting the perfect webinar for your medical education is crucial, and as experts in the field, we understand just how important it is to find webinars that align with your learning objectives and provide valuable content. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Define your learning objectives: Before registering for a webinar, take some time to identify what you hope to gain from attending. Are you looking to expand your knowledge in a specific area of medicine? Do you want to learn about new treatment options or advancements in technology? Knowing your goals will help narrow down the available options.
  2. Assess the relevance of the webinar content to your practice: It's essential that the topics covered in a webinar align with your professional needs and interests. Make sure that attending a particular webinar will contribute directly towards improving patient care or enhancing your skills as a healthcare professional.

By considering these factors, you can ensure that each medical webinar you attend is tailored specifically to meet your educational needs and provides valuable insights into relevant healthcare topics. Don't miss out on our selection of medical webinars designed specifically for healthcare professionals like yourself!

Making the Most of the Webinar

When joining a medical webinar, it's crucial to actively engage and participate in order to fully benefit from the experience. Here are some key strategies for maximising your learning:

  1. Engage in discussions and Q&A sessions: Feel free to ask any questions or share your insights during our medical webinar. Our healthcare professionals are here to provide a unique and educational experience for all attendees. Actively participating with the host can enrich your understanding of the topic and provide valuable perspectives.
  2. Take notes for future reference: Make sure to jot down important points, interesting facts or any additional resources mentioned during the webinar. This will help you retain information and serve as a useful reference later on. Consider using digital note-taking tools for easy organisation.