Blog - Paediatrics | NB Medical

Blog - Paediatrics


Let's talk about vaccination

Let's talk about vaccination image
Dr Laura Darby
2nd October 2024

The rates of Pertussis infection have surged this year, with over 12 000 laboratory confirmed cases reported to the UK HSA between January and July 2024 in England alone. Whilst any age group can be affected,...

Is this child a picky eater, or do they have ARFID?

Is this child a picky eater, or do they have ARFID? image
Dr Zoe Norris
30th July 2024

Sarah and her Mum have come in to see you because of Sarah’s recurrent tummy aches. As part of the history, you ask about appetite and diet.

Rise of the Measles

Rise of the Measles image
Dr Rob Walker
24th January 2024

I was chatting to my colleagues during a brief respite in our Friday duty session last week about measles. A mix of ages and experience, but not one of us had seen a case of measles in our clinical careers....

Should my baby have the new chicken pox vaccine?

Should my baby have the new chicken pox vaccine? image
Dr Laura Darby & Dr Simon Curtis
23rd November 2023

It’s Thursday morning and you’re just finishing a baby check for Anna, a healthy 8 week old. Her mother Kate asks ‘Just before I go and see the nurse, what do you think about the new vaccine? Is it a good...

Paediatric Mental Health

Paediatric Mental Health image
Dr James Booth
3rd August 2023

I first met Will as a very new GP partner.  He came in accompanied by both parents, one duty afternoon.  His mother was in tears, his father grim-faced; Will’s face was hidden behind a long, unwashed fringe...