Blog - Page 23 | NB Medical

Blog - Page 23


Summer Fever - unseasonal RTIs in Children

Summer Fever - unseasonal RTIs in Children image
Dr Simon Curtis
15th July 2021

I was duty doc yesterday and like all GPs recently I spoke to a number of parents worried about their small children with fever, cough and respiratory symptoms. Strange given that we are in high summer,...

Vaccine Heartache

Vaccine Heartache image
Dr Neal Tucker
1st July 2021

“I had my covid vaccine a few days ago and now I’ve got this pain in my chest and my breathing is more difficult than usual”.

Who’s in need of a (bisphosphonate) holiday?

Who’s in need of a (bisphosphonate) holiday? image
Dr Rob Walker
24th June 2021

Hands up, who needs a holiday? (Me! Me!). It’s been an exhausting 6 months in General Practice, and many of us will be eyeing up July and August with a sense of relief that a well earned holiday is not...

Doctor, can you prescribe a specific brand of thyroxine for me?

Doctor, can you prescribe a specific brand of thyroxine for me? image
Dr Simon Curtis
17th June 2021

In the middle of a busy day yesterday, I had a call from Mrs A who reported that when her local pharmacy had dispensed a new brand of her levothyroxine she had experienced a recurrence of her symptoms...

Diabetes in older people: Caution, hypoglycaemia risk ahead

Diabetes in older people: Caution, hypoglycaemia risk ahead image
Dr Rob Walker
10th June 2021

As Simon discussed in our blog last week, there has been real concern that one of the many groups impacted (both directly and indirectly) as a result of the pandemic are those with diabetes. Inevitably...

Diabetes, the Covid Cinderella

Diabetes, the Covid Cinderella image
Dr Simon Curtis
3rd June 2021

You take a call tomorrow from Mr Ali. He is 68 and has type 2 diabetes. He is calling about recent onset heel pain and has what sounds like plantar fasciitis. You give appropriate advice, signpost self-help...

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