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Table of Contents - Subject to change *
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What is included when you purchase the Cardiology and ECG Book?
A hard copy course reference book posted to the address of your choice
12 months online access to the course reference book via the NB Dashboard
The KISS from NB - new and updated KISS summaries (Keep it Simple Summaries) sent to you on a monthly basis
Automated upload of CPD from your CPD tracker into your Fourteen Fish or Clarity Appraisal Toolkit
Free access to NB Blogs and Podcasts from our expert team
Join us at one of our upcoming courses or live webinars
Hot Topics Clinic
Tuesday 4th March 2025
8:00 PM
Join us for our next cancer clinic with Cancer Research UK. We will be covering all things related to head and neck malignancies. With guest speaker CRUK GP Lance Saker, we will cover the latest statistics on this group of cancers, what challenges exist when aiming for early diagnosis and which guidelines are available to help. We will consider the barriers that exist for patients and what actions primary care can take to mitigate them, to optimise timely referrals for our patients. We look forward to you joining us for an interactive hour of CPD.
Live Webinar
Abnormal Bloods
Friday 7th March 2025
9:30 AM
The Abnormal Bloods course has been rewritten and updated for 2025. The new course covers the full blood count and what to do with white cell and platelet abnormalities, as well as all things biochemistry! We’ll be looking at sodium and potassium abnormalities – and where magnesium fits in! We’ll round off with thyroid function tests, and what to do with abnormal LFTs.
Live Webinar
Hot Topics GP Update
Saturday 8th March 2025
9:30 AM
The Hot Topics GP Update course is the original one-day course to update GPs with the latest developments in the literature and to serve as a platform for CPD and help to deliver better patient care. The course revolves around short, engaging presentations that merge recent clinical evidence with real-life clinical scenarios.